Firewall Validation

Design and Build

“When properly designed, configured, and maintained, dedicated hardware firewalls can contribute significantly to increasing the security of today’s ICS environments.”

 – NIST 800-82 

A firewall is one of the most critical security appliances in an OT environment. When it comes to firewall rules, several common misconceptions and errors can compromise the effectiveness and security of your OT systems.

Common firewall rule misconceptions

    • “Our effective IT firewall rules will be equally effective for our OT systems.”
    • “We have a firewall, so our OT systems are secure.”
    • “The default firewall rules are adequate.”

What’s included in Firewall Validation services

  • Documenting all existing firewall rules to understand the current state of network security.
  • Evaluating each rule to determine whether it is necessary to your OT system’s operations and whether it is still relevant.
  • Adjusting rules to improve performance and security.
  • Ensuring your firewall rules are aligned with your company’s broader OT security policies and practices.
  • Checking for rule compliance with relevant industry standards and regulations.
  • Documenting changes for accountability and future reference.

Reduce your false sense of boundary security

Don’t leave your OT system’s security to chance. Contact us for firewall validation solutions that bring confidence and clarity to your OT network’s security.

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